Welcome to Sneem Story House

Open Daily at The Church of the Transfiguration, Sneem – affectionately known as the Little Church

Sneem Story House Presents

Saturday 20 July at 2pm

Our Vision for Sneem Story House

The village of Sneem will be recognised both nationally and internationally as being synonymous with the telling of Irish stories both traditional and contemporary.

To achieve this, we intend to position storytelling as part of the DNA of the Sneem community and ecosystem thereby giving us deep local, tourist and international reach.

In the ‘Little Church’, a central feature of the village since 1810, we have the opportunity to create a National Storytelling Centre. Not only will this be a major contribution to preserving the tradition  of storytelling in Ireland, it will be a place – indeed, in the true sense of the word, a ‘sacred’ place – of encouragement to current and future generations to develop the spoken, musical and visual arts of which this country is world-renowned.

Clearly, the project will constitute several phases – it would be unrealistic to expect to achieve everything at once. But with the commitment and support of the Sneem Community, it will be a great addition to the history of the village and a major tourist attraction.

Batt Burns, Sneem Storyteller and Founder of sneem storytelling festival

Storytelling is a Powerful Force.

Part of ireland and
who we are

Ireland’s lengthy and rich tradition of storytelling is infused with the soul of the country to this day.

Celtic culture

We've been telling stories for more than 2,000 years.

through the generations

Customs, beliefs and history have been passed on through poems, songs and stories.

brings us together

Each household used storytelling to entertain at the fireside after dark.


The seanchaí (gifted storyteller) travelled from community to community entertaining and thrilling their listeners.

growing in popularity

Great storytellers have the ability to stir the emotions of their audience and transport them to another time and place

Always Relevant

Telling of stories continues to play a dominant role in the oral tradition, bringing old stories to life for modern-day listeners


Sneem has strong storytelling tradition, entertaining audiences for many years at the annual Sneem International Storytelling & Folklore Festival

The Little Church offers the space our Stories Need

Our Goal
“A new immersive and engaging visitor experience with regularly changing programmes at the “Sneem Story House” to stimulate day tourism and attract visitors from around the world.”
Development Committee, Sneem Story House
Little Church future home of Sneem Story House

Come and explore our beautiful Church

The Church of the Transfiguration or ‘Little Church’ has been a central part of Sneem Village since 1810.

Our Bank account is open in AIB Kenmare and we would welcome any contributions towards the costs of renovating the church and getting this ambitious project off the ground.

IBAN: IE36AIBK93632414273050

All contributions hugely appreciated.

© Sneem Story House 2025. All rights reserved

Sneem Story House, Church of the Transfiguration, North Square, Sneem, Co. Kerry, V93 AX84